Validations & Certifications

PathoCide® has been proven by an independent GLP laboratory to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 60 seconds on a pre-cleaned surface and in 10 minutes in a one-step process when produced by on-site generator and used as directed. It is also effective against a wide range of bacteria and viruses, including Norovirus, which is generally recognized as one of the most difficult to kill.

PathoSans Solutions Certifications & Efficacy Reports

USA Certification

These device-generated solutions meet Green Seal Standard™ GS-53 or GS-37 based on effective performance, concentration of product, minimized packaging, and protective limits on VOCs and human and environmental toxicity. Green Seal is a non-profit environmental standard development and certification organization. Green Seal’s flagship program is the certification of products, services, restaurants, and hotels. The certification is based on Green Seal standards, which contain performance, health, and sustainability criteria.

PathoClean is WoolSafe® approved. The WoolSafe Organisation is a cleaning industry service provider devoted to promoting best practices in carpet and rug care through maintenance product evaluation and certification, education and training, and the promotion of professional cleaning and inspection services.

PathoSans products are OU Kosher approved. The Orthodox Union has the most trusted kosher certification in the United States. Serving companies, consumers, and food industries all over the world.

In addition, the Halal Certification Board of American Halal Foundation (AHF) declares PathoSans products to be Halal and fit for Muslim consumption anywhere in the world.

Performance Tests

PathoClean Cleaning Performance Test – Successful
ASTM D4488-95, A2 standard

PathoClean Glass Cleaning Performance Test – Total soil removal with no streaking, no smearing

Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) DCC-09 categories: soil removal, smearing, and streaking

Irritation Tests

PathoClean Ocular Irritation Test
Non-irritating – Bovine corneal opacity and permeability in vitro test method to identify severe eye irritants/corrosives: Accepted by U.S. agencies in 2008; OECD TG 437 (2009)

PathoClean Dermal Irritation Test
Non-irritating – EpiDerm™ in vitro human skin model skin irritation test: Accepted by U.S. via OECD TG 439